Friday 30 March 2012

Hello to the Examiner! A message to you

Hello my name is Balpreet Atkar, i am a media student at Lutterworth college and i have been working on my media project for the last couple months. I really hope you enjoy all of my work and find it interesting as i have worked very hard on it. Looking back to the very start of my preliminary task i feel my skills have developed widely and now i feel that i could create again on photoshop with ease, i now have a much better understanding of magazines in general which i hope will help me in the future.I have labelled all my posts so you will find them, the most recent posts are my final pieces and i hope that you find them good.

Kind Regards

Balpreet Atkar

Evaluation Question 7

Looking Back at Your Preliminary Task

Evaluation Question 6

Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract or address your audience?

The target audience for my magazine was teenagers and young adults typically between the age of 16- to late 30's. It was also directly aimed at a male audience however i feature female artists on my contents page, so a female audience would not be far off. I have achieved all the aspects mentioned by using different techniques to ensure that my magazine was constantly showing signs  to attract its audience. Firstly i featured a make that was in the prime age for hip hop as well as wearing what could be established as my Target audiences desired wardrobe, i tried to make the model  an inspiration for my target audience, someone that they would coo, as i did this myself with a few artists i have read about. I also addressed my audience by using language that would connect with them, as well as ensure that they fully understood areas in my magazine.Another feature on my cover which would attract my audience is the banner at the top which says win tickets to Wu Tang Clan which address my reader as they should  be interested in this group if they are reading my magazine as they a a famous old school rap group.

My contents page would firstly attract my audience as it uses interesting article tag lines such as 'Its a new genration' which would give the reader insight as to what exactly the magazine is all about. My picture on the contents page is the main feature that would attract my audience as it is showing my artist point out to the reader, which is directly addressing the reader to read the artists article, it is almost calling them out, which  conform as to the stereotype of an Urban gangster. Another feature on the contents page which attracts My audience it the typograpahy and positioning of text, ads it is left aligned the reader will see it first hand which gains their intrest to reader the whole page and find out what the magazine is about,also as i have mentioned before the tile of my contents page would address the reader as it is asking them a rhetorical question 'What's Popin'' which is almost asking the reader whats happening?.

My double page article is the weakest point in my magazine for attracting an audience as there is only so much you can do, i have captured a picture which i personally feel Will attract my audience as it is unusual compared to my cover photo of him portraying a gangster.My article itself could attract my target audience as it uses polysyllabic words and complex vocabulary which matches my reading age for the magazine, however it still uses simple sentence structures to ensure information is processed but the reader, the colours of text on the page also would attract my typical reader because they contrast.

Overall i have addressed my audience in different ways, and attracted them though colours language and photography, however other features that are not commonly mentioned would effect the need of my magazine to my target audience, such a Price, i feel that £4.00 is reasonable considering it is an 80 page magazine, also considering the artist mentioned, the opportunity to win tickets of a £40 pound value, i would say it is substantial. Another feature is availability as it is a US artist based magazine it would commonly be expensive to buy in the UK due to shipping, tax charges, however since it is UK made it would cut out on a lot of costs making it more favourable to the reader as it is a good price.

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The type of media institution which might distribute my magazine would be Harris Publications inc as they are the distributors of XXL magazine which i gained my inspiration from. Reason why Harris Publications Inc would be suited to distributing my magazine include the twinned genre and audience of XXL  would mean that my media product would be equally as successful, if not more. My magazine focuses mainly on US artists as they are the prime artists in Rap, Harris Publications Inc i s an American company which gives further reason why the would distribute my magazine. I feel that Harris Publications have a history for Distributing on magazines such as O.G and would benefit from it being in its company. Although there is already a successful hip hop magazine under its belt (XXL) i feel my magazine would differ in a way to attract a different audience, as my magazine focuses on old school rap which features of new school alternative. Rather than just focusing on current superstars fans will be able to see past stars and comebacks that artists are planning to make.  Harris Publications inc would be the best distribute for my magazine as they have been around since the late 70's this ensures that they would know a successful magazine when they see one and would edit the magazine if they thought it had potential to be successful.

Circulation types have to come into play when deciding on the publication of my magazine, free,controlled and paid circulation are the different types. Out of all of them the main one used by most magazines such as XXL is Paid as this means there is one price that the consumer pays with he exception of discount with subscription. I feel this would be the best for my magazine as the consumer is more likely to buy a magazine that is good value and holds its value rather than a magazine priced according to success of its company. Harris publications would distribute my magazine with a paid circulation, of a price of £4.00 which would be about right. A discount would be offered for a longer subscription as this locks the consumer in to enable more sales.

Evaluation Question 2

How Does Your Media Product Represent Different Particular Social Groups